Catalyst News

Company updates, media releases and interesting articles for those working with open source software applications.


Let’s talk about employee engagement.

Leaders in all major industries have been paying increased attention to employee engagement and retention - two of the key factors for the overall organisation performance.   Why is employee engagement becoming so challenging? And is there a link between employee engagement and learning and development? Check out our May newsletter where we explore this topic.

Your Cloud Hosting Questions Answered.

The cloud infrastructure market can be confusing and having to make decisions about things you don’t fully understand is nothing but frustrating.  In this issue we share answers to some of the commonly asked questions when it comes to cloud hosting and cloud hosting providers.

Streamline Your Custom Software Development Efforts.

Custom software solutions have many advantages over the off-the-shelf products but managing development projects can be a stressful exercise. In this issue, we share some tips and resources to help you with your next custom software project.

Hot from the Global Moodle Moot 2023.

Welcome to the September issue of Catalyst IT Newsletter. Find the latest on: Moodle Moot Global; Two Moodle Partner Awards for Catalyst; A special episode of Create. Share. Engage. Podcast with Kristina Hoeppner and Martin Dougiamas; Catalyst Plugin Picks and more in this quarterly edition of Catalyst IT News.

Your digital strategy on a page (with checklist download).

Working together in a closed loop, these four action pillars will form a winning digital strategy that will help you achieve industry leadership, business resilience and continuous, sustainable growth. Click below to start.

Client centric = data centric

In our July Newsletter we looked at the importance of analytics and reporting for student success and explored the topic of digital and culture shifts in organisations. If you missed this in your mailbox you can view it here.

Your roadmap to becoming a learning organisation.

As we approach the mid-year mark, we'd like to recap the latest news from our team and remind you of the valuable resources you can access when developing and implementing your digital strategy.

Complete Your Development Projects On Time.

Whether you need help with making a well-informed decision quickly or resourcing your project, Catalyst team can help. Are you paying enough attention to your AWS spend? Moodle dashboards you need. Supercharge your business: why it pays to be open. All this and more in our May update.

Note this before fine-tuning your digital strategy.

The P’s - PEOPLE, PURPOSE, PROFIT - are important but how effective and efficient you can be in achieving the bigger goals under each of those strategic pillars, will increasingly depend on the decisions you make around investments in and the use of technologies. Our key takeaways frm the THETA 2023 conference.

Is it time to review your cyber security? Catalyst IT Australia News March 2023

Our latest newsletter is out! Here is a copy in case you missed it in your mailbox or are not subscribed. With the increasing number of data breaches around the world, in this issue, we'd like to draw your attention to cyber security and what you need to know and do to protect your organisation. ???? Subscribe today for more industry insight, useful tips and all the latest news on Moodle, Open Source, cyber safety and enterprise level software solutions.