Catalyst Koha Support

Catalyst Koha Support Request Form

  • Please enter a valid URL. Remember to include the “https://”
  • If you’re experiencing a problem or error, please describe in detail what you were doing when the issue occurred, or what steps you took to produce the error. Please also note the date (and time, if possible) you first noticed this issue. If you have a question only, please type your question here.
  • Accepted file types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
    One file only. 1000 MB limit. Allowed types: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf.
  • If this is a critical support request (i.e. your Koha site is down), we encourage you to also call us +61 3 9116 2642 after submitting this form.

Contact our dedicated Koha team any time

  +61 3 9116 2642