BBB integration with Moodle LMS 4.0
Explore the history of BBB, its relationship with Moodle LMS over the years, and take a peek at what the integration with Moodle 4.0 will deliver.
Celebrating 20 Years of Moodle LMS
That's 20 years of community collaboration that has delivered 128,746 code commits from 57 countries, submitted by 871 developers on behalf of their development teams.
Moodle integration for Architects
Explore the resources available to support your integration project. Achieve your deployment goals quickly, safely and effectively.
New Moodle plugin – Board module for Moodle
Introduce greater learner collaboration in your courses. It improves higher-level thinking, broadens perspectives and increases student engagement and self-esteem.
Moodle Contexts are King
Post 3 in our Moodle Security Mini Series. This blog explains what contexts are, and how they work to help protect your LMS from cyber threats.
Assessment using Moodle Assignment
An overview of the assignment format options and an explanation of the different ways you can choose to grade your students’ work.
Role based access control with Moodle
Post 2 in our Moodle Security Mini Series. Learn how to improve control over who does what within your LMS, and ensure your application is protected from the day it's exposed to...
Moodle security and privacy – the basics
Post 1 in our Moodle Security Mini Series. Some top tips and resources for improving the cyber resilience of your LMS.
Digital competence – develop teaching skills for online learning
You have the experience, you are a subject matter expert, but are you leveraging the tools available to you to make online learning an engaging and fulfilling experience for your...
Moodle dashboard redesign – Moodle 4.0
Revealing the intuitive dashboard to help learners when it comes to prioritising tasks and meeting their submission deadlines.
Online course design – pitfalls and top tips
It’s easy to think that online courses are simple to put together. After all, you just need to compile your content and assessment, and put them in the course, right? Wrong....
What’s in the future of Mahara
In this final part of our mini series on Mahara history, we provide an overview of Mahara ePortfolio product roadmap and details of upcoming webinars.