Compliance training software that adds value
LMS technology and support services that deliver tailored multi-course compliance programs and certifications day-in-day-out.
Best Moodle plugins for student engagement
Plugin support for educators and administrators to customise and extend Moodle LMS functionality.
Build a learning organisation with your LMS
Leverage the full functionality of your learning management system (LMS) to create highly effective learning initiatives.
Rethink compliance training in 2022
Use your existing investment in compliance training to go beyond simply meeting compliance requirements to creating a sense of responsibility among your employees.
Moodle Certified Partner Services to improve your LMS
Some insights into the premium services that Catalyst IT delivers to our enterprise LMS clients.
Improve the e-learning accessibility of your LMS
Tips to make the e-learning accessibility of your site optimal.
6 tips for choosing the best LMS for your business
A look at some of the most important considerations that our clients have deliberated when looking to improve their enterprise LMS platforms.
Data protection with cloud backup as a service
Backing up your data is one of the most considered data protection mechanisms. Let's look at options and how best to manage them.
Higher Education Learning Delivery Models in 2022
The COVID-19 Pandemic accelerated the shift to models that incorporates more online learning delivery. Let's look at the models and how they impact Educators.
BBB integration with Moodle LMS 4.0
Explore the history of BBB, its relationship with Moodle LMS over the years, and take a peek at what the integration with Moodle 4.0 will deliver.
Celebrating 20 Years of Moodle LMS
That's 20 years of community collaboration that has delivered 128,746 code commits from 57 countries, submitted by 871 developers on behalf of their development teams.
Moodle integration for Architects
Explore the resources available to support your integration project. Achieve your deployment goals quickly, safely and effectively.