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Preparing your Moodle Upgrade Testing process: greatest dangers, common mistakes and tips on how to avoid those.

Last month, at the Moodle Moot Global 2022 event in Barcelona, some were lucky to attend Meg’s sessions and learn the tricks of the trade on how to make a testing process lead to a smooth upgrade process of a Moodle site. We share some of these tips with you here.

What’s Holding Us Back From Being ‘Open’? Why OS and business resilience go hand in hand.

The Open Source vs Proprietary software debate has existed for as long as we can remember and ‘cost of ownership’ is one of the key benchmarks in the battle. Security, support (maintenance) and customisation are the other three. What we see not considered enough, however, are these additional factors: quality, flexibility and resilience.

Can Your University Remain Competitive?

Connectivity, flexibility and innovative technologies that enable that - whether you are dealing with university students or alumni, they expect it all. Help your organisation remain competitive , consider the following.