Learning Catalogue in Moodle and Moodle Workplace: your team will love you for it.

19 August 2024 by Catalyst

Moodle and Moodle Workplace 4.4 versions come with many exciting features. One that many of our clients have been waiting for is the Learning (Course) Catalogue. The Learning Catalogue offers many benefits for both education provider and workplace learning settings.

Let’s look at each of the stakeholder groups and how they will benefit from Learning Catalogue in Moodle:

Learning Catalogue benefits for educators:


Having your courses in a central location, allows for better visibility and access for your team / department. Easy course information sharing allows for better collaboration and organisation of your courses. You and your team can organise courses in your preferred way and find your way to the courses you need more efficiently.


You may want to allow manual, self or automatic enrolments into certain courses. The catalogue makes this possible. Students can have more control and a more personalised choice around their course journey – always a good strategy for better engagement.


You can customise your course lists, add images, descriptions and tags, making the catalogue easy to navigate and engaging.

Learning Catalogue benefits for students:

Feeling empowered

Having a centralised and easy to access learning environment for course materials, assignments and grades, gives students a greater sense of control. They can easily find what they need using filters, and enrol in what’s of interest to them. Being able to choose courses that align with their interests and goals allows for the flexibility and personalisation many education providers are striving to achieve to improve student experience.

User experience

Designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, Moodle learning catalogue provides excellent user experience. The Catalogue provides detailed information about each course helping students make informed decisions about their learning paths.

Sense of belonging

With forums, announcements and social learning features, students can engage with the Learning Catalogue beyond their course enrolment and completion requirements. Having a centralised place for learning and communicating with peers helps build meaningful connections among learners and develop a sense of community.

Learning Catalogue benefits for organisations.

Many of the benefits of Learning Catalogue in Moodle LMS (for Educators) apply to organisation settings as it is also available in Moodle Workplace.

If you can offer your employees the flexibility of when and where they access their courses, and how they go about completing them (which ones and in which order), they will love you for it.

Personalising learning journeys has become a very important but challenging item on Learning and Development Managers’ agenda. If you’re able to do that, you will improve your staff engagement, success and retention.

Your people will feel empowered if they can align their learning journeys with their personal and career goals.

“Learning Catalogue in Moodle Workplace 4.4 will represent a significant step towards more dynamic and user-driven learning in corporate environments,” says the team at Moodle HQ.

Benefits of Learning Catalogue for HR teams and Learning and Development Managers:

Centralised location for courses and programs management.

Scalable training programs especially for enterprise level and large organisations.

Integration of compliance training and certification tracking.

Performance tracking – integrate with analytics tools to track course completions, training effectiveness; identify skill gaps, improve performance evaluations and training strategy planning.

Cost efficiencies gained from sharing training resources across departments / locations.

Streamline enrolment process – automate enrolment process based on employee roles; save time and eliminate administrative burden.

Employee engagement – offering a diverse and accessible range of courses helps increase employee engagement and motivation, as they feel invested in their professional development. Continuing learning in the workplace is linked to employee engagement, satisfaction and retention.

Multi-tenancy Moodle Workplace supports multi-tenancy, allowing different departments, branches, or subsidiaries within an organisation to have their own learning environments, while still being able to select content / courses from an overall Learning Catalogue.

Benefits of Learning Catalogue for Employees:

Feeling empowered

The catalogue often includes both mandatory and elective courses, allowing employees to take control of their learning journey and complete courses at their own pace. Many courses within the Learning Catalogue may offer certifications or badges upon completion, providing employees with recognition for their efforts and achievements.

User experience

Designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, Moodle Workplace Learning Catalogue provides excellent user experience. Employees can easily find the courses they need at any time.

Better collaboration

With forums, announcements and social learning features, employees can engage with the Learning Catalogue beyond their courses. They can connect with co-workers of similar interests and build meaningful connections in the workplace.

Learn more about Catalyst IT Australia services for Moodle and Moodle Workplace.