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In Open Source software ‘free’ stands for freedom, not price.

‘What does Open Source even mean?’ is a common question. Apart from the word ‘free’ associated with open source software, which comes with its own associations such as ‘lower quality’, not many people we speak to about this, can recap why OS may be a suitable choice for their company.

Learning Catalogue in Moodle and Moodle Workplace: your team will love you for it.

Moodle and Moodle Workplace 4.4 versions come with many exciting features. One that many of our clients have been waiting for is the Learning (Course) Catalogue. It offers many benefits for both education provider and workplace learning settings. Let’s look at each of the stakeholder groups and how they will benefit from Learning Catalogue in Moodle.

Reengagement plugin for Moodle – keep your students on track.

We have discussed the Moodle Reengagement plugin on numerous occasions and on our blog. Given how much interest it’s been generating more recently and with more of our clients asking about it, we decided to unpack it a little further and give it its own light.

Maximise your L&D efforts with Moodle Workplace.

The planning and implementation of Learning and Development (L&D) in the workplace is a big task. The responsibilities of L&D Managers are many and varied. Can the right choice of workplace LMS help?
