Maximise your L&D efforts with Moodle Workplace.

22 July 2024 by Catalyst

The planning and implementation of Learning and Development (L&D) in the workplace is a big task. Key aspects include:

  • Strategic alignment between L&D and business goals
  • Leveraging technologies
    • choosing a suitable workplace Learning Management System (LMS)
    • selecting suitable formats for e-learning delivery (micro-learning, mobile learning etc)
  • Personalisation of learning paths based on individual employee roles, goals and preferences
  • Working closely with your Leadership and People and Culture teams to promote and support a learning culture in your organisation
  • Making your learning content and format engaging
  • Tracking progress and measuring your L&D success
  • Addressing shortcomings and keeping your content updated
  • Making sure you have the right support team behind each aspect – LMS consultants, administrators, course content creators and technical support.

When it comes to technologies, having an IT Managed Services partner that specialises in e-learning and can provide support beyond software choice and implementation is highly recommended. Especially if you are a large enterprise or a growing organisation.

When you manage complexity and high volumes of users and data, you want to have peace of mind that your LMS is safe, secure, and has high availability. You also need it to be flexible, adjusting to your organisation’s changing needs.

Can the right choice of workplace LMS help with all the above?

Not everything is handled by technology alone, you do need humans in the loop, but the right software will help with many of the above listed aspects.

When it comes to learner / employee engagement for example, an LMS that offers customisable learning pathways is key.

For compliance purposes, you may need the ability to group different short courses into programs, offer certifications and re-certifications; as well as have:

  • compliance dashboards for managers,
  • automated alerts for staff and
  • integrated analytics.

For security, you will need flexible user management and permissions.

How can Moodle Workplace help maximise your L&D efforts?

“Moodle workplace is built on top of Moodle LMS, giving Moodle Workplace unique advantages as a platform to develop, upskill and reskill employees,” says Emilio Lozano, Head of Workplace Solutions at Moodle HQ.

Personalised dashboards, easy to navigate learning content, extensive integrations and single sign-on capability, make Moodle Workplace an increasingly attractive workplace LMS.

Other features and benefits of Moodle Workplace include:

  • Multi-Tenancy – provide separate learning environments within a single Moodle Workplace instance.
  • Dynamic Rules – set up automated rules to manage enrolments, certifications and learning paths.
  • Certifications / Re-certifications – set up automated reminders to prompt employees to complete certifications.
  • Compliance Dashboards – gain an overview of the compliance status of your organisation; identify training gaps and opportunities to introduce additional programs.
  • Learning Paths – customise plans to different roles, locations, organisational objectives and learner feedback.
  • Learning Catalogue – enable staff to discover courses, ensuring convenience and individualised up-skilling, and providing easier access to learning materials.
  • Customisable workflows – optimise enrolment and completion workflows with task automations.
  • Notifications and Alerts – granular in-platform and email notifications based on custom triggers to assist staff to “learn on the go”.
  • Report Builder built-in report tool generates reports easily in a drag and drop interface with instant preview and filtering. Schedule reports and send automatically to different audiences.

Collectively, these features ensure that Moodle Workplace can effectively manage your employee training whether it’s for compliance purposes or for meeting your people and culture goals.

Moodle Workplace for employee engagement in large organisations.

Moodle Workplace is an excellent choice for enterprise learning environments. From virtual classroom / video conferencing capabilities which support collaborative workspaces (multi-user whiteboards, chat, multiple format file sharing and polling) to one-on-one meeting scheduling, Moodle Workplace can help provide engaging experiences for remote and hybrid work environments. National or global organisations that need to remain connected will really benefit from this solution.

Learn more about Moodle Workplace in this short video:

If you have a specific question about Moodle Workplace and whether it can help solve your organisation’s pain point, reach out to our team.

Whether your focus is continuing professional development, compliance training or simply cultivating a strong e-learning culture, the team at Catalyst can help implement, customise and optimise your workplace Moodle to deliver a positive user experience.

Moodle Workplace Case Study

To learn more about Catalyst services for Moodle Workplace, download our Moodle Workplace capability statement.